Tuesday 7/31/18

A. Bent Over Row 



B. 20 min AMRAP

20 Power Snatches (95/65)

15 T2B

10 Burpee to plate

5 Bar Muscle Ups

Mike Pietragallo
Monday 7/30/18

A.  Warm up to a heavy Squat Clean


B.  For time

10-20-30-40-50 cal Row

10-8-6-4-2 Squat Cleans*


*Squat Clean weight (115/75, 135/95, 155/105, 165/115, 185/135)

Mike Pietragallo
Friday 7/27/18

A.  Drop Snatch

Build to a heavy 3 rep


B.  "Isabel"

30 Snatches for time (135/95)


C.  Optional Check-out

4x400m run

rest 1.5 min between attempts

Mike Pietragallo
Thursday 7/26/18

Open Gym


Suggested WOD

A. Split Squats



B.  20 min AMRAP

50 Double unders

40 Lunges

30 Pistols

20 Atomic Sit-ups with a plate (35/25)


Mike Pietragallo
Wednesday 7/25/18

A.  Every 90s for 9 min

3 Squat Cleans + 2 Front Squats

(same weight for all sets)


B. Tabata (16 min total, alternating movements)



Power Cleans (115/75)

KBS (1.5/1)


Mike Pietragallo
Tuesday 7/24/18

A. 8 min EMOM

2 Push press + 1 Push jerk


B.  5 rounds*

10 Burpees Over the Bar

10 Push-Press (115/75)

10 Burpees Over the Bar

10 Overhead Squat

10 Burpees Over the Bar

10 Push-Jerk

*30 min time cap

Mike Pietragallo
Monday 7/23/18

A.  Build to a heavy complex:

5 Deadlifts

4 Power Cleans

3 Hang Squat Cleans

2 Push -Jerks

1 Thrusters


B.  3 rounds

800m Run

10 Ring Muscle-ups

Mike Pietragallo
Sunday 7/22/18

Saturdays at CrossFit Pittsburgh

CrossFit Pittsburgh Grinder PT

The definition of "Grinder" is the concrete-asphalt area at BUD/S where the students do their calisthenics workouts. It is surrounded by Pull-up bars, Dip bars and the Instructor's, Training Officer, and Commanding Officer's offices.

You have the constant feeling of always being watched while you are on the "Grinder." So, put out hard, count loud, and cheer your class through the workout.


Grinder Flutter.jpeg
Mike Pietragallo
Friday 7/20/18

“Hotshot 19” 

6 Rounds:

30 Air Squats

19 Power Cleans 135# M/95# W

7 Strict Pull Ups

400M Run

On June 30, 2013 19 members of the Granite Mountain Interagency Hot Shot Crew lost their lives battleing the 2,000 acre Yarnell Hill fire just south of Prescott AZ. Thank you for your service, you will never be forgotten. RIP.

This Hero WOD is long and high volume. Reduce the reps and load to keep this workout under 40 minutes.

Intermediate Option
6 rounds for time of:
30 squats
19 power cleans
7 pull-ups
Run 400 meters

Men: 115-lb. clean
Women: 75-lb. clean

Beginner Option
4 rounds for time of:
15 squats
10 power cleans
5 ring rows
Run 400 meters

Men: 75-lb. clean
Women: 55-lb. clean

Mike Pietragallo
Thursday 7/19/18

Open Gym


Suggested WOD

A. Deadlift


Start at 70% 1 rm and work up


B.  "Rambo Row"

First Blood: 2000m Row

4 min rest

First Blood Part 2: 1000m Row

2 min rest

Rambo 3: 500m Row



Mike Pietragallo
Tuesday 7/17/18

A. 10 min EMOM

2 Push-Jerk + 1 Split Jerk


B.  20 min AMRAP

50 Double unders

40 Wallballs

30 Burpees

20 Shoulder 2 Overhead (95/65)

10m Handstand Walk

Mike Pietragallo

A. Back Squat 



B. 5 rounds

8 DB Snatch (50/35)

10 Alternating Pistols

12 V-ups with a plate (25/15)

Mike Pietragallo
Friday 7/13/18


9 Rounds for Time

300 meter Run

6 Air Squats

6 Pull-Ups

6 Box Jumps (20/24 in)

6 Burpees

6 Sit-Ups

6 Lunges

6 Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lb)

*Wear a weight vest (20/14 lb)

In honor of Fargo, ND police officer Jason Moszer (33) killed in the line of duty Feb 11, 2016, from a gunshot wound. Jason responded to a report of domestic violence in which suspect’s son had called dispatchers and said the man had fired a gun at his mother. Jason was shot inside the home and died the next day from his wounds.

Badge number 98: 9 rounds, 8 movements. 6 years in service: 6 reps of each moment. Killed on the 300 block of 9th Ave N: 300M Run.

The workout was first posted by CrossFit Ice House (Fargo, ND, USA), who featured the WOD as a community workout in Officer Moszer's honor on Saturday, February 20, 2016.

Mike Pietragallo
Wednesday 7/11/18

A.  Build to a heavy 3 rep Deadlift,


Max reps at 75% of today's 3rm


B.  12 min AMRAP

3 Bar Muscle-ups*

6 front squats (135/95)

9 deadlifts (135/95)

*Scale: 3 C2B + 3 Ring Dips or 3 Pull-ups + 3 Box Dips


Mike Pietragallo
Tuesday 7/10/18

A.  Push Press



B.  3 rounds

15 DB Bent Over Rows (50s/35s)

15 Weighted AbMat Sit-ups (50/35)

15 BD Swing (50/35)

100m Farmer's Carry (50s/35s)

Mike Pietragallo