Friday 7/20/18
“Hotshot 19”
6 Rounds:
30 Air Squats
19 Power Cleans 135# M/95# W
7 Strict Pull Ups
400M Run
On June 30, 2013 19 members of the Granite Mountain Interagency Hot Shot Crew lost their lives battleing the 2,000 acre Yarnell Hill fire just south of Prescott AZ. Thank you for your service, you will never be forgotten. RIP.
This Hero WOD is long and high volume. Reduce the reps and load to keep this workout under 40 minutes.
Intermediate Option
6 rounds for time of:
30 squats
19 power cleans
7 pull-ups
Run 400 meters
Men: 115-lb. clean
Women: 75-lb. clean
Beginner Option
4 rounds for time of:
15 squats
10 power cleans
5 ring rows
Run 400 meters
Men: 75-lb. clean
Women: 55-lb. clean