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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Wishes

Please join me in welcoming January's Athlete of the Month:

Ally Garcia


Job title. Real Estate Developer/Manager

How long have you been doing CrossFit? I have been a member of CrossFit Pittsburgh since 2009. I learned about CrossFit in 2006 when I attended the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center to earn my US Park Ranger Commission. I enjoyed the Crossfit type training so much and continued the work outs when I returned to my Park. That is why I was chosen to be the fitness coordinator for Cape Cod National Seashore. After leaving my career with the National Park Service, I moved home and joined the family business. I wanted to maintain my health and training so I joined Crossfit Pittsburgh.

Favorite WOD/movement? My favorite movement is the one that is the most difficult for me, and took me about 6 years to learn: the kipping pull up.

What you've gotten from CrossFit? Crossfit keeps me sane and in a good mood all day. I love my 0 dark thirty class! Crossfit kept me healthy during my pregnancy and I was in good condition for an easy (as it can be) delivery. I am stronger now than I ever have been and can almost keep up with my 2-year-old daughter!

The best part of Crossfit is the community! I enjoy getting to know everyone as individuals, I appreciate the “shared misery” of the wods and value the way we all support one another. The coaches go above and beyond looking out for our form and safety by contributing their personal time and talent, and by creating an atmosphere in which to grow.

I love that in Crossfit one’s only competition is oneself. Looking forward to many more years at CrossFit Pittsburgh!


A. 30 G2OH for time (135/95)

Beginning at 0:00 perform 3 Burpees every minute on the minute.



5 rounds**

1 minute to complete 30 Russian KBS (2/1.5)

1 minute rest

**Score is max reps. Cap at 30 in one minute.


The Holiday Schedule will be the same as in past years. Thursday (Christmas Eve) 10:00am ONLY

Friday (Christmas Day) CLOSED

Saturday CLOSED



24 minute EMOM

Minute 1: 10 Hang Power Clean to Push-press Complex*

Minute 2: 12 Front Squats

Minute 3: AMRAP AbMat Sit-ups

Minute 4: Rest

*1 rep is a Hang Power Clean then a Push-press


A. Back Squat

Build to a heavy 5 rep



3 rounds for time

21 Box Jumps (24/20)

18 Russian KBS (2/1.5)

15 Goblet Squats (2/1.5)



Three rounds

30 sec. L-Sit

20 sec. Chin-over-the-Bar (top of Pull-up) holds


A. Snatch Complex for max load.

2 Snatch Grip Deadlift

1 Hang Squat Snatch




21 Power Snatches (115/75)

21 Later OTB Burpees

15 Squat Snatches (115/75)

15 Lateral OTB Burpees

9 Thrusters (115/75)

9 Lateral OTB Burpees


"Josh" 95 pound Overhead squat, 21 reps 42 Pull-ups 95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps 30 Pull-ups 95 pound Overhead squat, 9 reps 18 Pull-ups


SSG Joshua Hager, United States Army, was killed Thursday February 22 2007 in Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

First posted 26 February 2007


A. Deadlift* - Build to a Heavy 3 rep

*Clean grip with NO HOOK GRIP. Testing grip strength.



Calorie Row


Work/Rest 1:1 -OR- Work with a Partner.

Score is total time.


A. 20 min AMRAP


Ground to Shoulder

Front Squat


RX(165/105) One Barbell used for all movements.



Row 7 minutes for Max meters (optional)


A. 10 min EMOM

Min 1: 5 weighted Pull-ups (or as strict as possible)

Min 2: 10 Pistols



5 rounds

15 Thrusters (75/55)

10 Pull-ups



Accumulate 3 min in a Plank