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Any interest in a 2 hour Double-under seminar? The cost is $50.00.

It would be ONE DAY AND TIME ONLY. The choices are either August 11, 12, 13. Friday at 7:30pm-9:30pm, Saturday at 12:00-2:00pm or Sunday 12:00-2:00pm.

Minimum number of Athletes is 25. Pre-registration/payment is required.

Click here for details.


Open Gym


Suggested WOD

1 min Double-under

1 min KB/DB Snatch (50/35)

2 min Double-under

2 min KB/DB Snatch

3 min Double-under

3 min KB/DB Snatch


A. Power Snatch 2 RM


B. 4 min AMRAP

400m Run

15 OTB Burpees

Max reps Power Snatch (135/95)

4 min REST

4 min AMRAP

400m Run

15 OTB Burpees

Max reps Power Snatch (115/75)

4 min REST

4 min AMRAP

400m Run

15 OTB Burpees

Max reps Power Snatch (75/55)


Registration is OPEN for the October Festivus Games!


Partner WOD

30 min AMRAP

Each partner:

1 round of "Cindy*"

*5 Pull-ups-10 Push-ups-15 Squats

1 Sled Push

1 round of "Mary**"

**5 HSPU-10 Pistols-15 Pull-ups

1 Sled Pull

400m Run



In observance of the Holiday there will be a 10:00am WOD ONLY.


4 rounds

17 Over Head Walking Lunges (45/25 plate)

7 Ring Dips

6 Thrusters (135/95)



In observance of the Holiday Weekend there will be a 10:00am ONLY today and tomorrow.


Partner WOD

800m Run (run together)

100 Pull-ups

800m Run

100 Push-ups

800m Run

100 Sit-ups

800m Run

100 Air Squats


In observance of the July 4th Holiday we will have a 10:00am ONLY on MONDAY and TUESDAY. _____________________________________________________

Partner Wod

400m Farmer carry (50/35) each hand

50 BD/KD Front Squat

400m Farmer carry

100 DB/KB single arm OH Lunge

400m Farmer carry

50 DB/KB Shoulder to OverHead

400m Farmer carry


"Pheezy" 3 rounds

5 Front Squats (165/110)

18 Pull-ups

5 Deadlifts (225/155)

18 T2B

5 Push-jerks (165/110)

18 HR Push-ups

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Philip P. Clark, 19, of Gainesville, Florida, assigned to 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, died on May 18, 2010, while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife, Ashton, father Mike and stepmother Tammy, mother Rosmari Kruger, and brothers Tyler, Kyle and Ryan Nordyke.


Two re-certs and a new L-1 at CrossFit Pittsburgh.

Congratulations Sam!


A. Front Squat



B. "Fran"


Thrusters (95/65)



A. For time: 1 mile Run

90 Air Squats

80 Double Unders

70 Push-ups

60 Sit-ups

50 Wallball (20/14)

40 Jumping Lunges (each leg)

30 Box Jumps (24/20)

20 Burpees

1k Row

*compare to 2016/08/17