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Partner WOD 200m Sled Push

1 mile Sandbag Run

10 Rope Climbs

13500/9300 lbs Deadlift

*One person works at a time

**Divide the work however you want and in any order you want.


Final Day to Order!



Three rounds for time of: 30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 75 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull, 30 reps 30 Box jump, 20" box 75 pound Push press, 30 reps Row 30 calories 30 Push-ups Body weight Back squat, 10 reps

Post time to comments.


U.S. Army Specialist David E. Hickman, 23, of Greensboro, North Carolina, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died on November 14, 2011, in Baghdad, Iraq, from wounds suffered when insurgents detonated an improvised explosive device near his vehicle. He is survived by his wife Calli, parents David and Veronica, and brother Devon.


Two Days Left to Order!


Open Gym

Suggested WOD

39 Cal Row

39 Box Jump Overs

39 Pull-ups

39 KBS (1.5/1)

39 T2B

39 Cal Row


Three Days Left to Order!


A. For time

Row 500m

30 Bodyweight Bench Press

Row 1K

20 Bodyweight Bench Press

Row 2K

10 Bodyweight Bench Press


A. Push Press 1 RM


B. Tabata Barbell*

Deadlift (185/135)

rest 1 min

HPC (135/95)

rest 1 min

Front Squat (85/60)

rest 1 min

Push Press (65/45)

*Each movement is done as a Tabata; 8 rounds total/20 seconds on 10 seconds rest.


Rest Day _____________________________________________________

Next up, the Festivus Games.

I put this out as a challenge to any non-CrossFitters as well.  You think you have what it takes?  Your program is the shizzle?  Prove it.

Call out to all you specialists.  This is an entry level CrossFit-style competition.  No firebreathers.  Let's see how your impressive 1 RM or your well oiled biceps work for you here.  You may be able to do both?  Who knows?  I could be wrong.


Blogcast#11. Some musings on the end of the CrossFit Games Open 2017, community and discipline.

The Open

The 2017 Open wrap up this week with a fantastic finish at our humble little Box. In years past the number of participants at CrossFit Pittsburgh has varied but it was always an exciting time. This year was, by far my favorite.

Back in 2010 our first Coach and my Bro, Blake Schaub qualified at Sectionals to advance to Regionals in Logan, Ohio. That was a great year. Then in 2011 Zach Miller advanced to Regionals as well as Blake and Andrew Mandarino who lead our CrossFit Pittsburgh Team. Taking nothing away from those years, this year I was very proud to see a resurgence of Panther CrossFit who joined us for the Open. Several of our Athletes made break throughs week after week. Too many to name them all but here are a few off the top;

Robert Edman, who at a body weight of about 145 completed 17.4 Rx’d at a 225# deadlift for 55 reps.

David and Grace Ferguson who continued to raise the bar on themselves week after week.

Michael Lamanna who got after it every week without fail.

Frayne Poeting who made an impressive showing in his first Open.

Kaitlin Kelly, Tasi Handelsman, Byron Nash, James Caldwell, Art Douglas and Sean Ashoff who made it a great event and Mike Komaniak and Bryar-Leigh McClure who, due to injury had to withdraw.

Special thanks also to all of our Trainers who volunteered to stay week after week and help score the heats;

Emily, Sarah, Lexi, Michael, Elan, Abby, Sean, I know how hard it can be to finish a WOD and score the following heat.

I want to thank all of you for your commitment to the Open and to yourselves. Anyone can talk about doing it but putting it out there every week is where most fall short. You didn’t.


We opened our doors to Panther CrossFit this year for the Open. Week after week these young men and women showed up, worked hard and always offered to stay and help clean up after. I have to tell you, I was so impressed with that gesture it actually surprised me. Not he gesture itself but the willingness to stay and help. I’ve know Coaches who don’t even do that.

Thank you Panther CrossFit.


Until Blogcast#12 think about this; Discipline = Freedom.



3 rounds for time

800m Run

50 Back Extensions

50 Sit-ups*

*Use GHD for the Back Extensions BUT NOT for the Sit-ups.  They are Rx'd as Sit-ups.  Trust me, you'll thank me tomorrow.

In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28.

With heavy hearts we offer our prayers and condolences to his wife, Laura, and 14-month-old daughter, Molly.

The price of freedom, and its worth, is found in Michael�s passing. The debt owed to Michael and his family can never be repaid but only honored by remembering Michael and remaining free.

Post time to comments.



Rest Day Blogcast#10. I call this one “Number 10.”

In more than 10 years I’ve seen some fantastic accomplishments among our Athletes. I’ve seen our Athletes achieve their first Pull-ups, Double-unders, Muscle-ups, you name it we’ve seen someone get their first one. That is a great feeling.

The other side of that coin is the constant stream of misconception that we have to wade through before some people believe that this program is for them. Here are just a few of my personal favorites:

I don’t think I’m in good enough shape for CrossFit. I’m going to join a gym to get fit then I’ll probably join in about 6 months. You guys flip those heavy tires and do all that crazy shit right? When can I do that? I don’t want to get Rhabdo and if you do this stuff wrong you can get seriously hurt.

Anyway, you get the idea right?

I have seen a bit of a decline in the really stupid questions over the past few years that I believe is largely due to the exposure that our community has gotten through the Games and social media. It’s out there now much more than it was back in the beginning.

I think that the success of our program lies in some very basic foundations.

Listen to your Coach. I mean the one here at CrossFit Pittsburgh. Don’t be that dick who reads blog after blog then comes to train and cuts out the MetCon, or the strength and cherry picks because you “just want to get BIG.”

You’re in or your out.  Trust in the Coach and trust in the programming.

SCALE, SCALE, SCALE.  We scale to make the WOD possible.  We do not scale to make the WOD easy.  If a WOD is for time and you feel that you just have to go Rx’d and what should have taken you about 8-10 minutes on average is taking you 20-30 you should have scaled. We DO NOT train for one-dimensional fitness.  Several years ago I read, for the first time, Greg Glassman’s World-Class Fitness in 100 Words:

"Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar.  Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.

Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds.  Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.

Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.

Regularly learn and play new sports."

It’s a very simple model yet there are still those among us that don’t grasp how simple it is.  Then there are the others who get it but they choose the easy route.  They focus on that one thing.  Do that and you will come up short.



Five rounds for time of: 225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps 20 Box jumps, 24 inch box 25 Pull-ups

Marine Corps Sgt. Michael C. Roy, 25, of North Fort Myers, Fla., assigned to the 3rd Marine Special Operations Battalion, Marine Special Operations Advisor Group, Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command at Camp Lejeune, was killed in action on July 8th, 2009 in Nimroz Province, Afghanistan, while supporting combat operations. He is survived by his wife Amy and three children, Michael, Landon and Olivia.