Rest Day _____________________________________________________
Next up, the Festivus Games.
I put this out as a challenge to any non-CrossFitters as well. You think you have what it takes? Your program is the shizzle? Prove it.
Call out to all you specialists. This is an entry level CrossFit-style competition. No firebreathers. Let's see how your impressive 1 RM or your well oiled biceps work for you here. You may be able to do both? Who knows? I could be wrong.
Blogcast#11. Some musings on the end of the CrossFit Games Open 2017, community and discipline.
The Open
The 2017 Open wrap up this week with a fantastic finish at our humble little Box. In years past the number of participants at CrossFit Pittsburgh has varied but it was always an exciting time. This year was, by far my favorite.
Back in 2010 our first Coach and my Bro, Blake Schaub qualified at Sectionals to advance to Regionals in Logan, Ohio. That was a great year. Then in 2011 Zach Miller advanced to Regionals as well as Blake and Andrew Mandarino who lead our CrossFit Pittsburgh Team. Taking nothing away from those years, this year I was very proud to see a resurgence of Panther CrossFit who joined us for the Open. Several of our Athletes made break throughs week after week. Too many to name them all but here are a few off the top;
Robert Edman, who at a body weight of about 145 completed 17.4 Rx’d at a 225# deadlift for 55 reps.
David and Grace Ferguson who continued to raise the bar on themselves week after week.
Michael Lamanna who got after it every week without fail.
Frayne Poeting who made an impressive showing in his first Open.
Kaitlin Kelly, Tasi Handelsman, Byron Nash, James Caldwell, Art Douglas and Sean Ashoff who made it a great event and Mike Komaniak and Bryar-Leigh McClure who, due to injury had to withdraw.
Special thanks also to all of our Trainers who volunteered to stay week after week and help score the heats;
Emily, Sarah, Lexi, Michael, Elan, Abby, Sean, I know how hard it can be to finish a WOD and score the following heat.
I want to thank all of you for your commitment to the Open and to yourselves. Anyone can talk about doing it but putting it out there every week is where most fall short. You didn’t.
We opened our doors to Panther CrossFit this year for the Open. Week after week these young men and women showed up, worked hard and always offered to stay and help clean up after. I have to tell you, I was so impressed with that gesture it actually surprised me. Not he gesture itself but the willingness to stay and help. I’ve know Coaches who don’t even do that.
Thank you Panther CrossFit.
Until Blogcast#12 think about this; Discipline = Freedom.