Posts in Uncategorized

A. Bench Press

Find a heavy 5 rep set for the day



5 min Max Rep Burpee Box-Jump Over

5 min Rest

4 min Max Rep 10m Shuttle Run

4 min Rest

3 min Max Rep Power Clean (155/105)

3 min Rest

2 min Max Rep Wall Balls (20/14)

2 min Rest

1 min Max Rep C2B Pull-ups




A. 1 Snatch Balance + 3 OHS

(4 total squats in the movement)



5 rounds for time:

15 Box Jumps (24/20)

12 Push-press (115/75)

9 T2B



Tabata Hollow-hold


A. Deadlift

Find a heavy 5 rep for the day (NOT 5RM)



For time:


Weighted Lunges (55/35 each leg/weight held at side)

Ring Dips

Directly into:


Weighted Lunges (55/35 each leg/weight held at side)

DB/KB Bent Over Row


A. Find a Heavy (not 1RM) Cluster*

Clean into a Thruster



CrossFit Games Open 11.3

5 min AMRAP

Clean & Jerk (165/110)



Skill Work

Handstand Set-up Technique

Kipping HSPU Technique




A. "Helen"

3 rounds for time

400 meter run

1.5 pood Kettlebell swing x 21

Pull-ups 12 reps



50 Strict T2B

Accumulate 3 min Plank

*Any combination you like



10:00am Partner WOD 13_Hours_poster

Go see it!



With a Partner, Chipper for time:

1000m Row OR 1.2mi Bike OR 200 Dubz/400 Singles

20 Burpees

40 Goblet Squats (53/35)

60 Sit Ups

80 KBS (53/35)

60 Sit Ups

40 Goblet Squats (53/35)

20 Burpees

1000 Row OR 1.2mi Bike OR 200 Dubz/400 Singles





"Nate" AMRAP in 20 min

2 Muscle-ups 4 Handstand Push-ups 8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings


In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq.

Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.

First posted 12 February 2008


A. 3 x 5 Front Squat



10 Ring Dips

20 Push-ups

30 OH Walking Lunge (45/25)

40 Sit-ups

50 Double-unders

40 Sit-ups

30 OH Walking Lunge (45/25)

20 Push-ups

10 Ring Dips



10:00am Partner WOD "The Seven"

Seven rounds of:

7 Handstand push-ups

135 pound Thruster, 7 reps

7 Knees to elbows

245 pound Deadlift, 7 reps

7 Burpees

7 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood

7 Pull-ups


A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers and one Jordanian officer at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009 after posing as a potential informant reporting on Al Qaeda. Seven new stars will be etched onto the memorial wall at the CIA where every star represents grieving friends, family and colleagues dedicated to fight against the enemy, forever in their name. Killed in the attack were CIA officers Jennifer Lynne Matthews, 45; Scott Michael Roberson, 39; Harold E. Brown Jr., 37; Darren LaBonte, 35; Elizabeth Hanson, 30; and security contractors Jeremy Jason Wise, 35, and Dane Clark Paresi, 46.

First posted 30 May 2010