
WHAT IS THE 31HEROES WOD? 31-heroes The 31Heroes WOD (workout of the day) was specifically designed to remember the fallen heroes of August 6, 2011 and honor their legacy of sacrifice.

The 31Heroes WOD will take place simultaneously across the globe.

You can sign up here to support the cause and complete the workout with us but it is not a requirement to participate. Registration includes a 31Heroes WOD shirt and is $31 plus shipping.

The 31Heroes Project hosts the Main Event in Norfolk, VA on August 1st, 2015 at Town Point Park which combines the 31Heroes WOD and the Norfolk Joggin’ for Frogmen 5k.

For the athletic community, this is our moment of silence. This is how we remember. This is how we come together to support those who’ve fought for us. The 31Heroes WOD is more than a workout.

This is a mission to give back to those who’ve given their all. Grab a partner, and join the team.







Squat Snatch (135/95)