
We are very pleased to name our first ever Athlete of the Month. Thank you for being a part of our CrossFit Pittsburgh family!

Eugenie Louis-Pierre


Occupation: Pediatric Nurse (Part-time), Doctorial Student (full-time) at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing.

Crossfit: I don’t’ remember the exact date that I started. I do know that the ‘On-Ramp’ class was the 2nd to last week of December in 2013 and did my first official class/WOD after new years of 2014.

Favorite WOD: I have to say that my favorite WOD is MURPH. When I did it for the 1st time last year it took me completely by surprise; I was over the moon that day. I was able to run those two miles and complete the workout (modified pull-ups, push ups) without a partner… and I didn’t vomit. It pretty much solidified that Crossfit was what I wanted to do & that Crossfit Pittsburgh was where I wanted to do it at ☺

What I’ve gotten from Crossfit: So much I could say…in short, Crossfit has changed my life. I am not the same person that I was a year and a half ago …the level of confidence that I have in myself, and the change that I’ve seen both mentally and physically in strength, the ability to endure the suck and not quit is priceless. It’s hard work. It never gets easier, and some days are harder than others. But that’s what I love about it because it translate so easily into everyday life. Many a times I find myself dealing with life issues like a WOD now, solving each problem on rep at a time…sometimes having to go back and repeat….enduring the suck, knowing that there’s an end in sight.

Extra: I would’ve quit a long time ago if it wasn’t for the awesome coaches and awesome crossfitters. Shout out to all the coaches who had to deal with my endless stream of questions, staying past class time multiple times after everyone has left to give me the chance to complete whatever WOD was prescribed that day (1st 6mo of crossfit was rough), and allowing me to stay after to work on my various GOATs . Shout out to all the crossfitters who take the time out to cheer your mates on and even doing extra reps to help someone else get done. You guys are super-duper freakin’ awesome!!!



"31 Heroes"

8-6-11 reps in memory of August 6, 2011

8 Thrusters (155/105#)

6 Rope Climbs (15 ft. ascent)

11 Box Jumps (30/24)

Partner A begins the triplet while Partner B runs 400m with a Sand Bag/Plate/DB/KB (45/25#)