
Please join me in welcoming October's Athlete of the Month. Coach Rachael Thurber!


Photo by: Chris Nolan @ MetCon Photos

Occupation: General Manager at Mad Mex

Favorite WOD: Nancy

What I've Gotten from CrossFit:

Exactly three years ago, I found myself buried in a hole of depression and inactivity, coped with excessive drinking. It was right before I saw a bunch of muscular dudes exercising without their shirts on TV, later to find out they were competing in this new trend called Crossfit. I stood under a TV at work so long that my bartender told me he never saw me watch TV before. Shortly after the men, the screen filled with a group of badass women with six packs tossing around weights. I could feel that envy burning and decided to finally put down the bottle and pick up a barbell. It was that defining moment of "Love your life or change it!" I googled Crossfit gyms and wandered into CFPGH alone the next day for a Saturday WOD.

There's something amazing about starting from the bottom and enjoying a journey of persistence to the top. I've found acceptance in myself just through the process of being a better person or athlete everyday. A climb won't always be easy but it's worth it when you see the view.

If there's anything Crossfit could promise you, it's that no matter what your athletic ability is, you are going to experience soreness that you wouldn't dream of. There have been times I had a tough workout that left my body feeling like I stepped in front of a cannon. My favorite WOD like Nancy, 150 wall balls for time, battled out in 5:22 will leave me wobbling for two days. Crossfit can also promise to show you how your body responds to what you give it. If you eat a bunch of crap and don't get enough sleep you will perform poorly. If you get enough sleep, eat clean and promote recovery you will perform at your best. Times, reps, scores, and weights are counted for numerical proof of your progress and abilities.

Speaking of recovery, I started yoga shortly after joining CrossFit. I used yoga in my workout routine primarily because it helps me smooth over the stiffness and soreness. It also helps with my mobility and balance, two things that are important in Crossfit. I now practice yoga because it has taught me a lot about self-acceptance. I feel at ease on my mat and it travels with me when I leave class. I feel the same way when I walk out of our box because I know I did my best that day and that's all that matters.

My life has completely turned around in 3 years. I use the hashtag #bottletobarbell when I remember the bad place I was in and how far I've come. I can confidently say I am ready now to be the example and encourage others to live a life of health and wellness that I have come to love. I am currently enrolled to get a Performance Nutrition Certification and look forward to coaching our members and others on how to better their diets in order to perform their best. For those who have seen me manipulate my diet over the years, you know I've been able to build muscle, lose body fat, gain strength and maintain a good physique that performs well. I would like to share that knowledge and more.

A CrossFit and a certified nutrition coach would be an influential, healthy, positive lifestyle and I'm going to represent it. I am truly grateful to CFPGH for changing my life and giving me the confidence I never had. Improvement requires continuous effort, and I am focused on being a better person everyday.


A. Back Squat

3 x 5


B. 15-10-6 reps of

Thruster (155/95)

Muscle-ups (C2B Pull-ups)