Thursday 7/13/23
For time with a partner:
1,000-m row
400-m weighted front carry (70/100 lb)
100 GHD sit-ups
400-m weighted front carry
1,000-m row
– Use a pair of DBs, KBs, a sandbag, or a D-ball held on the front side of the body for each carry.
For time with a partner:
1,000-m row
400-m weighted front carry (50/70 lb)
100 GHD sit-ups to parallel
400-m weighted front carry
1,000-m row
– Use a pair of DBs, KBs, a sandbag, or a D-ball held on the front side of the body for each carry.
For time with a partner:
800-m row
400-m weighted front carry (35/50 lb)
100 sit-ups
400-m weighted front carry
800-m row
– Use a pair of DBs, KBs, a sandbag, or a D-ball held on the front side of the body for each carry.