Wednesday 12/21/22


For time:
15 DB burpee box overs (35/50 lb) (20/24 in)
15 deadlifts (205/315 lb)
15 overhead squats (135/205 lbs)
15 ring muscle-ups
– Use two DBs for the DB burpee box overs


For time:
15 DB burpee box overs (20/35 lb) (20 in)
15 deadlifts (125/185 lb)
15 overhead squats (75/115 lbs)
15 jumping ring muscle-ups
– Use two DBs for the DB burpee box overs


For time:
15 DB burpee box overs (10/15 lb) (12/20 in)
15 deadlifts (75/115 lb)
15 overhead squats (35/45 lbs)
15 low-ring muscle-ups
– Use two DBs for the DB burpee box overs

Mike Pietragallo