Monday 9/6/21
In observance of the Labor Day Holiday there will be a 9:00am WOD only today.
There is no CAP on today’s attendance. Disregard reservations today!
This week’s programming at a glance:
Heavy Lifts
Strict Press
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
High Skill Movement
Ring Dip
Double Under
GHD Sit-up
Handstand Walk
Ring L-Sit
Ring Push-up
10 Rounds For Time w/ a Partner:
200m DB Farmer Carry
10 Weighted Pull-ups (35/25#)
20 Alternating DB Power Snatches (55/35#)
*Men use one 55# and one 35# DB
and women use one 35# and one
25# DB for farmer carries.