Monday 11/22/21

In observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday, please note the following changes in regard to our schedule:

Wednesday; no afternoon WODs

Thusday and Friday; 10:00am WOD only

Saturday; 8:00am and 9:00am as usual

We will NOT be capping attendance.


- RX -

30 Rounds for Time:

5 Wall Balls (20/14#)

3 Handstand Push-ups

1 Power Clean (225/155#)


30 Rounds for Time:

5 Wall Balls (14/10#)

1 Handstand Push-up

1 Power Clean (185/125#)


30 Rounds for Time:

5 Wall Balls (10/8#)

3 Push-ups

1 Power Clean (95/65#)

Mike Pietragallo