
Please join me in welcoming our One Year Anniversary and August's Athlete of the Month: 13874606_10209662325946157_832885484_n

Coach Sarah Whitehead!

"I know we usually start with Occupation, but I have more of a journey I've been on that really explains how CrossFit has changed my life.

This winter will be my three-year anniversary at CrossFit Pittsburgh. The two years prior to that, I had discovered lifting weights but I was doing mostly cardio. I was trying to lose weight after having Brody and started working out at a gym. But then I started to feel sick and discovered I have Graves’ disease. One of the worst symptoms for me was muscle weakness. And I was no longer able to carry my baby up my steps. I needed help. Just like that, overnight, I wasn't sleeping, I had bad hand tremors, and I couldn't carry my kids around without feeling like my legs were going to give out on me. Oh, and I was at risk for having a stroke.

There was medication but I was allergic. So they said my only option was to kill my thyroid. This freaked me out. I did my own research and found changing my diet, exercising, and reducing stress were critical to getting better and I was determined.

When I started CrossFit I had no clue how it all worked, how to get a clip on my barbell and how it was going to change me. But when I walked into class and saw women that looked like me, who cared more about being strong and nothing about being skinny, I knew I found my place. Every day I worked so I could get stronger and faster. My symptoms started to fade. And I've been in remission for two years now.

CrossFit has given me my health back.

While focusing on physical strength, I gained mental strength and confidence to live my life exactly the way I want. Of course I'm not too confident in my physical abilities, because most WOD's are humbling. I realized I have a passion for fitness and decided to become a Personal Trainer and Coach around the same time. After years of working in commercial real estate and being a stay at home Mom, I was out of my comfort zone but ready to pursue my passion. I love waking up every day helping people find better health, get strong, and feel empowered. I love connecting with people through fitness. I love SQUATS and sprints. Those are my favorite. I have a passion for coaching at CrossFit Pittsburgh. It's a real honor. Every day, I wake up wanting to go to the gym, even at 5:30 am. Our members and Coaches inspire me to work hard and be a better coach and athlete. I've realized that getting fit is a process that takes patience, but I'm in it for the long haul and l love the hard work."







Push Press (135/95)

Ring Dips

400m Run