
"Bradshaw" BrianBradshawHero_th

10 rounds for time of:

3 Handstand push-ups 225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps 12 Pull-ups 24 Double-unders

Jason Khalipa 11:43. Post time to comments.


Please join me in welcoming April's Athlete of the Month, Grace Ferguson!


Occupation: I'm an Ob/Gyn resident, which means that I graduated medical school and am training to be an independent physician/surgeon. I deliver babies, do hysterectomies, see patients in the clinic etc.. I'll be done June of 2017. I work at Magee!

How long have you been CrossFitting: We moved to Pittsburgh in 2013, and got really tired of P90x videos by the summer... We started Crossfit in August 2014. Before that, David and I had been fencing both on teams and in national level competitions and we really missed having structure, team mates and coaches to help drive us.

Favorite WOD/movement: Rope climbs! To me, Crossfit is so much about exceeding expectations about what you are physically capable of doing. The first time I tried a rope climb I couldn't even get past what I could jump to (that WOD, I watched Tara do all the rope climbs/runs/something else awful wearing a weight vest the whole time and doing it twice as fast...I am always in awe of Tara) Getting to the top of the rope is always a struggle/sometimes a little scary, but the view from the top is totally worth it.

What you've gotten from CrossFit: So much!!! 1. The best physical shape of my life...and still improving! Oh, and David doesn't look too shabby either :) 2. Bolstered emotional health: A sense of control when my job is sometimes totally out of control. Like, can I fix your medical issue? No? BUT, I CAN deadlift that bar 55 times! 3. Similarly, a place where I can give up control and just let someone else tell me what to do and just listen, no questions necessary. 4. Friends that suffer with you, yell at you a little when you need it, and high five you at the end of it all. 5. Inspiration to learn new things, try that much harder and be a better, badder ass person all around !