Saturday 1/13/24

Fundraising WOD for CrossFit Sderot

ONE MORE THING!... please don't forget to tune into the live-steam on Instagram on Sunday January 14th. Here is the Instagram link and timeline for that day:

10:00am - live-stream begins
10:00-10:05 - class gathering and workout review
10:05-10:15 - words from Nofar (owner of CrossFit Sderot) & Josh (owner of
10:15-10:30 - warm up
10:30 - workout begins
10:55 - thank you's & wrap up


Teams of 3
Amrap in 25 minutes
Alternating full rounds:

8 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35lb
6 Pull Ups
4 Burpees Over the Dumbbell

** Every 6 rounds completed for the team (2 rounds each), perform 24 sync forward lunges as a team.

In 25 minutes, each athlete will complete a full round (8 DB Snatches, 6 Pull Ups and 4 Burpees over the DB) before switching to the next athelte.
Every 6 rounds completed for the team (2 rounds per athlete), the team will perform 24 syncronized bodyweight forward lunges together.
Once the 24 sync lunges completed, athletes will go back to work on the alternating full rounds.

Mike Pietragallo