Tuesday 10/10/23


3 rounds for time:
800-m run with a medicine ball (14/20 lb)
24 power snatches (105/155 lb)
– Athletes run together and switch as needed on the snatches.
– The medicine ball doesn’t touch the ground until the workout is over.
– If the medicine ball touches the ground, both partners complete 10 burpees before continuing.


3 rounds for time:
800-m run with a medicine ball (10/14 lb)
24 power snatches (75/115 lb)
– Athletes run together and switch as needed on the snatches.
– The medicine ball doesn’t touch the ground until the workout is over.
– If the medicine ball touches the ground, both partners complete 10 burpees before continuing.


3 rounds for time:
400-m run
18 power snatches (35/45 lb)
– Athletes run together and switch as needed on the snatches.

Mike Pietragallo