Monday 5/20/19

For those of you who have been with us for a while you already know how important the Murph Challenge is to us.

Traditionally we host the Murph Challenge on the Saturday of the Memorial Day Weekend rather than wait until Monday.

As always we encourage you to invite ANYONE you like to join us. There is no Drop-in Fee however we do ask that you register for the Challenge and encourage your guests to do so as well. Donations benefit the LT Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation.

Thank you,

LT Mike Pietragallo

United States Navy

Please note, there is no 12:30pm WOD today.

A. Bench Press

10-10-10 @70%

Every 2:30

B. Teams of 2

2k Row

100 Pull-ups

150 Push-ups

200 Synchro Squats

*30 min Time Cap

Mike Pietragallo