Monday 12/23/19

Please note the changes to our schedule over the next two weeks:

Monday 12/23

5:30 Frayne

9:00 Jenn

12:30 Cancelled

4:30 Michael

5:30 Jenn

6:30 Cancelled

Tuesday 12/24

10:00am WOD ONLY

Wednesday 12/25


Thursday 12/26


Friday 12/27

5:30 Justine

9:00 Jenn

12:30 Cancelled

4:30 Michael

5:30 Michael

6:30 Cancelled

Saturday 12/28

8:30 Jenn

10:00 Mike

Monday 12/30

5:30 Cancelled

9:00 Jenn

12:30 Cancelled

4:30 Michael

5:30 Jenn

6:30 Special Guest Coach

Tuesday 12/31

10:00 am WOD ONLY

Wednesday 1/1


A. Reverse Lunge


B. 4 rounds

15 Thrusters (95/65)

50 Double unders

15 Power Snatches (95/65)

Mike Pietragallo