Thursday 10/19/23

“3-1-2? It’s So Complex!”


Heaviest Completed Complex for each athlete:

3 Deadlift

1 Hang Clean

2 Front Squats

Score is combined maximum loads used to successfully complete the complex.

Example: Athletes 1’s highest load used to successfully complete the complex was 155#. The partner was able to successfully use 135#. The score would be 290#.

The WOD begins with an empty bar on the floor and appropriate plates nearby to accommodate 300# (Male Intermediate) , 250# (Male Novice/Masters) and 185# (All female) including the bar.

At 3, 2, 1 Go! Athletes will load the bar with the weight the first Athlete performing the complex wants. Both Athletes can help load and unload the bar. Athlete 1 will perform 3 conventional deadlifts, then 1 hang clean, and then 2 front squats without letting go of the bar. After the 3rd deadlift the bar cannot touch the ground again until the 2 front squats are complete. Once the bar is in the front-rack position it cannot be lowered out of this position until the 2 front squats are complete. If the complex has been started and the bar is off the ground at the buzzer, the athlete may finish the complex.

Mike Pietragallo