Thursday 7/1/21

Open Gym


Suggested WOD


AMRAP in 27 minutes

From 0:00-10:00:

1 mile Run

Max Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb)

  • Rest from 10:00-13:00

From 13:00-20:00:

800 meter Run

Max Power Snatches (115/80 lb)

  • Rest from 20:00-23:00

From 23:00-27:00:

400 meter Run

Max Thrusters (95/65 lb)

In this benchmark workout, athletes are working with several different windows of time. In the first 10 minute window, athletes will complete a 1 mile run (with an 8:30 time cap). Following the mile run, they will complete as many clean and jerks as possible with the remaining time. Athletes will then rest for 3 minutes before completing the next 7-minute window. During this window, they will complete an 800-meter run and max power snatches in the remaining time. Following another 3 minute rest, they will have 4 minutes to complete a 400-meter run and max thrusters in the remaining time. The three barbell movement are the scores, all scored separately. Athletes should change out weight and record scores up during rest periods.

Scaling: Weight on the barbells should be something that athletes could complete at least 15+ reps unbroken when fresh.

If athlete’s best mile is above 8:30, the mile run can be shortened to 1,200 meters to allow for sufficient time on the barbell.

Mike Pietragallo