Sunday 4/22/18

Be a Hero

Please join us this Saturday, 4/28 as we remember our dear friend and one of the original CrossFit Pittsburgh Athletes Paul Sciullo.

We will be honoring Paul for his service and his sacrifice.  He was a Hero in the truest sense of the word, laying down his life in the line of duty.  In addition to that Paul was also an Organ Donor.

We will be joined by West Penn Hospital, the Allegheny Health Network, Highmark Health, CORE - Center for Organ Recovery and Education, the City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police and the City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire to celebrate Paul's memory.

There will be two options for today's WOD, the original Hero WOD created by us

"Badge Number 4179"

9 rounds for time:

4 Pull-ups

1 Deadlift (275/185)

7 Push-ups

9 Double-unders

100m Sprint


The CrossFit HQ Hero WOD


5 rounds for time:

50 Double-unders

35 K2E

20 OH Barbell Walk (185)

We will begin with an opening ceremony and guest introductions.  Heats will run every half hour.  There will be speakers between heats along with personnel from West Penn Hospital and CORE to talk about Organ Donation.

Please plan on attending.  You DO NOT have to participate in the workouts but if you'd like to give it a try they are scalable to any fitness level.

Thank you,

Jenn and Mike

Paul Sciullo.jpg
Mike Pietragallo